Publications of group of complex particulate systems, Osaka University
- 2006 -
- 2001 - 2005
- 1996 - 2000
- 1991 - 1995
- 1986 - 1990
- 1978 - 1985
[2006 - ]
- Sakurai,T., Kawaguchi,T., Tanaka,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"Measurement of Particle Temperature Distribution in Fluidized Bed Using Themography",
International Symposium on Advanced Fluid/Solid Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (CD-ROM), September 11-14, Sapporo, JAPAN (2006),
pp.324-329 (Paper No.B3-3).
- Kawaguchi,T., Yoshida,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"MRI Measurement of Particle Velocity in Spouted Bed",
International Symposium on Advanced Fluid/Solid Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (CD-ROM), September 11-14, Sapporo, JAPAN (2006),
pp.314-318 (Paper No.B3-1).
- Tanaka,Y., Otsu,K., Kawaguchi,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"Experimental Study on the Interaction between Burgers Vortex and a Solid Particle Using 2D PIV Measurement",
International Symposium on Advanced Fluid/Solid Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics (CD-ROM), September 11-14, Sapporo, JAPAN (2006),
pp.12-15 (Paper No.A1-3).
- Tsuji,Y.,
"Multiscale Modeling of Dense Phase Gas-Particle Flow",
5th World Congress on Particle Technology (CD-ROM), April 23-27, Orlando, USA (2006),
Paper No.109a.
- Tanaka,Y., Otsu,K., Kawaguchi,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"Development of an In-Line Stereoscopic PIV System to 3-Component Velocity Measurements with a Single Camera",
5th World Congress on Particle Technology (CD-ROM), April 23-27, Orlando, USA (2006),
Paper No.245c.
- Kawaguchi,T., Tsutsumi,K. and Tsuji,Y.,
"MRI Measurement of Axial Segregation in a Rotat-ing Tapered Drum",
5th World Congress on Particle Technology (CD-ROM), April 23-27, Orlando, USA (2006),
Paper No.236c.
- Yabuno,M., Kawaguchi,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"MRI Measurement of Particle Velocity Distribution in Hopper Flow",
5th World Congress on Particle Technology (CD-ROM), April 23-27, Orlando, USA (2006),
Paper No.236b.
- Okayama,Y., Doi,A., Kawaguchi,T., Tanaka,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"Drag Force Model for Fluidized Bed of Binary Mixture of Particles",
5th World Congress on Particle Technology (CD-ROM), April 23-27, Orlando, USA (2006),
Paper No.166b.
- Washino,K., Hsu,C.H., Kawaguchi,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"DEM Simulation of Fluidized Bed with Considering Similarity Model (Similarity Condition from Non-Dimensional Equations of Change)",
5th World Congress on Particle Technology (CD-ROM), April 23-27, Orlando, USA (2006),
Paper No.70cb.
[2001 - 2005]
- Hsu,C.H., Kawaguchi,T., Chang,K.C. and Yutaka Tsuji,
"Simulation of Fluidized Bed by Virtual Particle Method",
Proc. of 3rd Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, November 27-19, Hualien, Taiwan (2005),
- Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Kenji Tsutsumi and Yutaka Tsuji,
"MRI Measurement of Granular Motion in Rotating Drum",
Proc. of 4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, September 5-8, Aizu, Japan (2005),
- Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Kenji Tsutsumi and Yutaka Tsuji,
"MRI Measurement of Size Segregation in a Rotating Drum",
Proc. of Powders & Grains 2005, July 18-22, Stuttgart, Germany (2005),
- Zhihong Liu, Tetsuya Hirata, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Toshitsugu Tanaka and Yutaka Tsuji,
"Numerical Simulation of Segregation in Fluidized Bed Using Discrete Element Method and the Experimental Verification",
Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation (CD-ROM), September 22-24, Pisa, Italy (2004),
Paper No.jp15.
- Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Yuu Horii, Toshitsugu Tanaka and Yutaka Tsuji,
"Development of Plug Flow Model for Standpipe Flow",
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF2004) (CD-ROM), May 30- June 4, Yokohama, Japan (2004),
Paper No.509.
- Zhihong Liu, Tetsuya Hirata, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Toshitsugu Tanaka and Yutaka Tsuji,
"The Similarity for Simulation of Fluidized Bed",
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF2004) (CD-ROM), May 30- June 4, Yokohama, Japan (2004),
Paper No.430.
- Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Yuu Horii, Toshitsugu Tanaka and Yutaka Tsuji,
"DEM Simulation of One-Dimensional Plug Motion in Standpipe Flow and Development of Plug Flow Model",
Proc. of the 2nd Asian Particle Technology Symposium 2003 (APT 2003), December 17-19, Penang, Malaysia (2003),
- Tomonari Kobayashi, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Toshitsugu Tanaka and Yutaka Tsuji,
"DEM Analysis on Fluidized Behavior of Geldart's Group A Particles (Pressure Drop and Stress Distribution)",
Proc. of the 2nd Asian Particle Technology Symposium 2003 (APT 2003), December 17-19, Penang, Malaysia (2003),
- Zhihong Liu, Tetsuya Hirata, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Toshitsugu Tanaka and Yutaka Tsuji,
"Similarity Model for DEM Simulation of Fluidized Bed",
Proc. of the 8th China-Japan Symposium on Fluidization, December 3-5, Gifu, Japan (2003),
- Yutaka Tsuji, "Numerical simulation of pedestrian flow at high densities,"
PEDESTRIAN AND EVACUATION DYNAMICS, 2nd International Conference, August 20-22, London (2003).
Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Yunosuke Mizushima, Toshitsugu Tanaka and Yutaka Tsuji,
"Effect of Pressure Drop of Distributor on Flow Pattern in 2-D Fluidized Bed
(DEM Simulation and Experiment)," will be presented in
Proc. of FEDSM'03 (JSME Joint Fluids Engineering
Conference), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 6-11,
(2003), Paper No. FEDSM2003-45729.
Kawaguchi, T., Horii, Y., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"DEM Simulation and Measurement of Fluctuation
of Solid Fraction in Vertical Gas-Solid Flow," will be presented in
The 4th Int. Conf. for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids,
Budapest, May 27-30, (2003).
Kawaguchi, T., Kajiyama, S., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"DEM Simulation of 2-D Fluidized Bed using Similarity Model,"
Discrete Element Methods: Numerical Modeling of Discontinua: Proc. of the third Int. Conference, September 23-25, Santa Fe, USA,
(2002), pp. 167-171.
Odagi, K., Tanaka, T. and Yamane, K.,
"Rough-surface Model and its Applivation to DEM Simulation of Compression Test of Particles,"
Discrete Element Methods: Numerical Modeling of Discontinua: Proc. of the third Int. Conference, September 23-25, Santa Fe, USA,
(2002), pp. 299-304.
Tanaka, T., Noma, K., Ide, Y. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Particle Clusters Formed in Dispersed Gas-Solid Flows: Simulation and Experiment,"
Proc. of World Congress on Particle Technology 4 (CD-ROM), July 21-25, Sydney, Australia,
(2002), Paper No. 658.
[PDF -- 1.3 MB]
Swasdisevi, T., Charinpanitkul, Tanthapanichakoon, W., T., Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"DEM Simulation of a Spouted Bed with Draft Plates ,"
Proc. of World Congress on Particle Technology 4 (CD-ROM), July 21-25, Sydney, Australia,
(2002), Paper No. 302.
[PDF -- 80 kB]
Kobayashi, T., Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"DEM Analysis on Flow Patterns of Geldart's Group A Particles in Fluidized Bed ,"
Proc. of World Congress on Particle Technology 4 (CD-ROM), July 21-25, Sydney, Australia,
(2002), Paper No. 178.
[PDF -- 488 kB]
Odagi, K., Tanaka, T. and Yamane, K.,
"DEM Simulation of Compression Test of Particles,"
Proc. of World Congress on Particle Technology 4 (CD-ROM), July 21-25, Sydney, Australia,
(2002), Paper No. 172.
[PDF -- 1.3 MB]
Kawaguchi, T., Miyoshi, A., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Discrete Particle Analysis of 2D Pulsating Fluidized Bed,"
Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow (CD-ROM), New Orleans, USA, May 27-June 1,
(2001), Paper No. 838.
[PDF -- 400 kB]
Pan, Y., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Numerical Study of Particle-Laden Rotating Turbulence,"
Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow (CD-ROM), New Orleans, USA, May 27-June 1,
(2001), Paper No. 422.
[PDF -- 576 kB]
[1996 - 2000]
Miyoshi, A., Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Numerical Analysis on Effects on Pulsating Gas on Flows in Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed,"
Proc. of Fourth International Particle Technology Forum: in AIChE Annual Meeting 2000
(CD-ROM), Los Angeles, USA, November 12-17, (2000).
[PDF -- 1.5 MB]
Harada, S., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Fluid Force Acting on a Falling Particle toward a Plane Wall,"
Proc. of ASME FEDSM'00 (ASME 2000 Fluids Engineering
Division Summer Meeting) (CD-ROM), Boston, USA, June 11-15,
(2000), Paper No. FEDSM2000-11267.
[PDF -- 816 kB]
Pan, Y., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Large-Eddy Simulation of Particle-Laden Rotating Channel Flow,"
Proc. of ASME FEDSM'00 (ASME 2000 Fluids Engineering
Division Summer Meeting) (CD-ROM), Boston, USA, June 11-15,
(2000), Paper No. FEDSM2000-11144.
[PDF -- 408 kB]
Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Numerical Analysis of Density Wave in Dense Gas-Solid Flows in a
Vertical Pipe,"
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, No.138 (2000), pp.696-701 (Proc. of the 5th
International Conference of Computational Physics(ICCP5),
Kanazawa, Japan, October 11-13, (1999)).
Miyoshi, A., Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Numerical Analysis of Granular Convection in Two-Dimensional
Pulsating Fluidized Bed,"
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, No.138 (2000), pp.734-735 (Proc. of the 5th
International Conference of Computational Physics(ICCP5),
Kanazawa, Japan, October 11-13, (1999)).
Pan, Y., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Large-Eddy Simulation of Rotating Channel Flows with Particle Dispersion,"
Proc. of Asian Symp. on Multiphase Flow 1999 (ASMF'99),
Takatsuki, Japan, October 31-November 3, (1999), pp.7-12.
Miyoshi, A., Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Effect of Pulsation Frequency and Bed Height on Granular Flow Pattern in Two-Dimensional Pulsating Fluidized Bed,"
Proc. of Asian Symp. on Multiphase Flow 1999 (ASMF'99),
Takatsuki, Japan, October 31-November 3, (1999), pp.13-18.
Tanida, K., Honda, K., Kawano, N., Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Particle Motion in Screw Feeder Simulation by Discrete Element Method,"
Proc. of IS&T's NIP14: International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies,
Tronto, Canada, October 18-23, (1998), pp.429-431.
[PDF -- 176 kB]
Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Discrete Particle Simulation of Plug Conveying in a Vertical Pipe,"
Proc. of 6th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage,
Handling and Transportation,
Wollongong, Australia, September 28-30, (1998), pp.321-327.
Harada, S., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Effect of Fluid on the Motion of a Particle Approaching to a Solid Wall,"
Computational Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Structual/Chemical Systems With
Industrial Applications Volume II (1998 Joint ASME/JSME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conf.),
San Diego, USA, July 26-30, ASME PVP-377-2 (1998), pp.213-217.
Tsuji, Y., Tanaka, T. and Kawaguchi, T.,
"Discrete Particle Simulations of Granulate Materials and Multiphase Flows,"
Proc. of Pan-Pacific Imaging Conference/ Japan Hardcopy '98, Tokyo, Japan, July 15-17,
(1998), pp.42-45.
Muguruma, Y., Tanaka, T., Kawatake, S. and Tsuji., Y.,
"Numerical Simulation of Particulate Flow with Liquid Bridge between
Particles (Simulation of a Centrifugal Granulator),"
Proc. of World Congress on Particle Technology 3, Brighton, UK, July 7-9,
(1998) (CD-ROM No.334).
Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji., Y.,
"Discrete Particle Simulation of Vertical Plug Flow,"
Proc. of World Congress on Particle Technology 3, Brighton, UK, July 7-9,
(1998) (CD-ROM No.353).
Yamamoto, Y., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji., Y.,
"Effect of Spatial Resolution of LES on Particle Motion,"
Proc. of FEDSM'98 (1998 ASME Fluids Engineering
Division Summer Meeting), Washington DC, USA, June 21-25,
(1998), Paper No. FEDSM98-5020(CD-ROM).
[PDF -- 748 kB]
Yamamoto, Y., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji., Y.,
"LES of Gas-Particle Turbulent Channel Flow
(the Effect of Inter-Particle Collision on Structure of Particle Distribution),"
Proc. of 3'rd Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow (ICMF'98), Lyon, France, June 8-12,
(1998) (CD-ROM).
[PDF -- 152 kB]
Gyenis, J., Ulbert, Zs., Szepvolgyi, J., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Is Discrete Particle Simulation a Perfect Experiment in Particulate Systems?,"
Proc. of 8th International Summer School of Chemical Engineering Heat
and Mass Transfer Processed, Chemical and Biochemical Reactors,
Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 3-9, (1998).
Yamashita, M., Yamamoto, Y., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Numerical simulation of particle contact charging and
Electrostatic Force by Using DEM,"
Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies: NIP13,
Seattle, USA, Nov. 2-7, (1997), pp. 77-80.
Kawaguchi T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Quasi 3-D Numerical Simulation of Gas-Solid Two-Phase Flows,"
Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Multiphase Flow, Beijing, PRC, Oct.,
(1997), pp. 287-292.
Muguruma, Y., Tanaka and Tsuji., Y.,
"Numerical Simulation of Particulate Flow in a Centrifugal Tumbling Granulator (Model for the Effect of Liquid Bridge),"
ISAC'97 High Performance Computing on Multiphase Flows,
Tokyo, Japan, July,
(1997), pp.53-58.
Tanaka, T., Yamamoto, Y., Potthoff, M. and Tsuji., Y.,
"LES of Gas-Particle Turbulent Channel Flow,"
Proc. of the 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering
Division Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, June,
(1997), Paper No. FEDSM97-3630(CD-ROM).
[PDF -- 836 kB]
Gyenis, J. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Modeling gas-solid flows, Engineering foundation,"
Proc. of Conference - Pneumatic and Hydraulic Conveying Systems,
Palm Coast FL, USA, April 21-25, (1996).
Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Quasi-Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Vertical Plug Flows,"
Proc. of The 5th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 6,
July , San Diego, USA, (1996), pp. 481-486.
Tsuji, Y.,
"Wide Application of Discrete Particle Simulation to Particle Technology,"
Proc. of The 5th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5,
San Diego, USA, July, (1996), pp.18-22.
[1991 - 1995]
Tanaka, T., Yonemura, S. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Effects of Particle Properties on the Structure of Clusters,"
Gas-Particle Flows 1995, ASME FED-Vol.228 (1995), pp.297-302.
[PDF -- 764 kB]
Yamane, K., Tanaka, T., Tsuji, Y., Nakagawa, M. and Altobelli, S. A.,
"DEM and MRI Studies of Particulate Flows in a Rotating Cylinder,"
Flow Visualization and Image Processing of Multiphase Systems, ASME FED-Vol.209 (1995), pp.225-228.
Kawaguchi, T., Yamamoto, Y., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Numerical Simulation of a Single Rising Bubble in a Two-dimensional Fluidized Bed,"
Proc. of The 2nd Int. Conf. on Multi-phase Flows '95-Kyoto,
April 3-7, Kyoto, Japan, (1995), pp.(FB2-17)-(FB2-22).
Kazari, M., Roko, K., Kawaguchi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"A Study on Conditions for Similarity of Particle Motion in Numerical Simulation of Dense Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow,"
Proc. of The 2nd Int. Conf. on Multi-phase Flows '95-Kyoto,
April 3-7, Kyoto, Japan, (1995), pp.(FB2-9)-(FB2-15).
Yonemura, S., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Cluster Formation in Dispersed Gas-Solid Flow (Effects of Physical Properties of Particles,"
Proc. of The 2nd Int. Conf. on Multi-phase Flows '95-Kyoto,
April 3-7, Kyoto, Japan, (1995), pp.(PT4-25)-(PT4-30).
[PDF -- 4.1 MB]
Kawaguchi, T. Tanaka,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"Discrete Particle Simulation of Spouted Bed (3-D Simulation),"
Proc. 3rd World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Tokyo, (1994), pp.1868-1869.
Tsuji, Y., Tanaka, T. and Yonemura, S.,
"Partile induced turbulence,"
Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 47, No. 6, Part 2 (1994), pp.75-79.
Kawaguchi, T. Tanaka,T. and Tsuji,Y.,
"Lagrangian Numerical Simulation of Fluidized Bed,"
Proc. Int. Symp. Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids II, Oslo, (1993), pp.379-383.
Tanaka, T., Yonemura, S. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Discrete Particle Simulation of Dispersed Particulate Flows,"
Proc. Int. Symp. Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids II, Oslo, (1993), pp.373-378.
Shimomizuki, N., Adachi, T., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Numerical Analysis of Particle Dynamics in a Bend of a Rectangular Duct by the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method,"
Gas-Solid Flows 1993, ASME FED-Vol.166 (1993), pp.145-152.
Yonemura, S., Tanaka, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Cluster Formation in Gas-Solid Flow Predicted by the DSMC Method,"
Gas-Solid Flows 1993, ASME FED-Vol.166 (1993), pp.303-309.
Tanaka, T., Kawaguchi, T. and Tsuji, Y.,
"Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Fluidized Bed (Effect of Partition Walls),"
Gas-Solid Flows 1993, ASME FED-Vol.166 (1993), pp.17-22.
Kawaguchi,T., Tanaka,T., Tsuji,Y.,
"Lagrangian Simulation of Fluidized Bed,"
Preprints of Int. Conf. on Bulk Materials Handling and Transportation; Symposium on Fright Pipelines , Wollongong, Australia,
July 6-8, (1992), pp.539-543.
Kawaguchi,T., Tanaka,T., Tsuji,Y.,
"Numerical Simulation of Fluidized Bed Using the Discrete Element Method,"
Proc. Int. Conf. on Multi-phase Flows , Vol.1,
Sept. 24-27, Tsukuba, Sept., (1991), pp.301-304.
Tanaka,T., Kiribayashi,K., Tsuji,Y.,
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Gas-Solid Flow in Vertical Pipe or Channel,"
Proc. Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flows, Vol.2,
Sept. 24-27, Tsukuba, Japan, (1991), pp.439-442.
Tsuji, Y.,
"Review:Turbulence Modofication in Fluid Solid Flows,"
Turbulence Modification in Multiphase Flows, 1st ASME-JSME Fuids Engineering Conference, Portland, (1991), pp.1-6.
Tanaka,T., Tsuji,Y.,
"Numerical Simulation of Gas-Solid Two-Phase Flow in a Vertical Pipe: On the Effect of Inter-Particle Collision,"
Gas-Solid Flows -1991-, ASME FED-Vol.121,
4th Int. Symp. on Gas-Solid Flows, Portland, (1991), pp.123-128.
[PDF -- 468 kB]
[1986 - 1990]
Tanaka,T., Yamagata,K., Tsuji,Y.,
"Experiment of Fluid Forces on a Rotating Sphere and Spheroid,"
Proc. the Second KSME-JSME Fluids Engineering Conf., Vol.1 (1990), 366-369.
Tanaka,T., Torigoe,K., Kawaguchi,T., Luo,D.,J., Tsuji,Y.,
"On the Measurements of Particle Concentration using Acoustic Waves,"
Proc. Second World Cong. PARTICLE TECHNOLOGY, Part 1 (1990), 362-369.
Tsuji,Y., Tanaka,T., Ishida,T.,
"Graphic Simulation of Plug Conveying,"
June 26-28, Glasgow, Scotland, (1990), pp.123-128.
Tanaka,T., Tsuji,Y., and Morikawa,Y.,
"Measurements of Gas-Solid Two-Phase Flow through a Bend,"
Proc. Int. Conf. on Mechanics of Two-Phase Flows, June 12-15,
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, (1989), pp. 189-193.
Morikawa,Y., Tsuji, Y. and Tanaka,T.,
"Measurements of Horizontal Air-Solid Two-Phase Flow Using an Optical Fiber Probe,"
Preprints of World Congress Particle Technology, Part 3,
April 16-18, Nurnberg, Germany, (1986), pp. 495-506.
[1978 - 1985]
Tsuji, Y.,
"Prediction of pressure drop and optimal design of dilute phase pneumatic
conveying systems,"
Proc. PNEUMATECH I, Stratford-upon-Avon (1982),
Tsuji, Y. and Morikawa, Y.,
"Dense phase conveying of coarse particles in a horizontal pipe,"
Proc. Int. Conf. on Powder Technology '81, (1981), pp. 294-301.
Tsuji, Y. and Morikawa, Y.,
"Fundamental investigation of capsule transportation (drag coefficient and distributions of pressure and velocity) ,"
Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Pneumatic Transport of Solids in Pipes, BHRA Fluid
Engineering, Paper C2, (1980), pp. 325-346.
Tsuji, Y. and Morikawa, Y.,
"Computer simulation for pneumatic transport in pipes with bends,"
Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Pneumatic Transport of Solids in Pipes,
BHRA Fluid Engineering, Vol.1 (Paper B1), (1978).
Tsuji Lab. Home Page
Last modified on September 15, 2006
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