The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(JSME)
The Society of Powder Technology, Japan
The Japanese Society of Multiphase Flow
The Association of Powder Process Industry & Engineering, Japan
International Freight Pipeline Society
Particle Technology Forum (PTF)
5.2 Professional Service
5.2.1 Service to organizations
Managing Director of Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation, 2007 to 2012
President of Japanese Society of Multiphase Flow , 2006
Chairman of International Liaison Committee of the Association of Powder Process Industry & Engineering, Japan, 2006 to present
Chairman of JTTA Sports and Medical Science Committee, 2006 to 2012
President of Osaka Table Tennis Association, 2015 to present
Vice President of JSME, 2004
Deputy Chairman of ITTF Sports Science Committee, 2008 to 2012
President of International Freight Pipeline Society, 2003 to 2005
Chairman of JSME Fluids Engineering Division, 2002
Chairman of Technical Committee of JSME Fluids Engineering Division, 2000
5.2.2 Editorial services
Editor-in-Chief of KONA, 2003 to 2012
Associate Editor of International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 1993 to 2007
Chairman of the Special Committee of Encyclopedia of Multiphase Flow(The Japan Society of Multiphase Flow), 1993 to 1996
Editorial Board of Advanced Powder Technology, 1993 to 1996
Editorial Board of Fluids Engineering Division(JSME), 1992 to 1993.
Editor-in-Chief of the Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flows, 1991 to 1993.
Advisory Editor of An International Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 1987 to 1997
Associate Editor of Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow, 1987-1990
Editorial Member of Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan, 1981 to 1996
Multiphase Flows with Droplets and Particles, 2nd edition, CRC Press, 2012
Multiphase Flows with Droplets and Particles, CRC Press, 1997.
Gas-Particle Flows -1995-(Edited by Stock, D., E., Tsuji, Y., Reeks, M., W., Michaelides, E., Gautam, M.), ASME FED-Vol.228, (1995).
"Simulation of Powder Process"(Chapter 14) in Powder Technology, The Information Center of Particle Technology, JAPAN, 1995(in Japanese)
Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flows (Edited by Crowe, C., T., Johnson, R., Prosperetti, A., Sommerfeld M. and Tsuji, Y.) , ASME FED.Vol.185, (1994).
Gas-Solid Flows -1993-(Edited by Stock, D., E., Reeks, M., W., Tsuji, Y., Gautam, M., Michaelides, E., E. and Jurewicz, J., T.), ASME FED-Vol.166, (1993).
Proc. The International Conference on Multiphase Flows '91 (Edited by Matsui, G., Serizawa, A. and Tsuji, Y.), Tsukuba", (1991).
Gas-Solid Flows -1991-(Edited by Stock, D., E., Tsuji, Y., Jurewicz, J., T., Reeks, M., W. and Gautam, M.), ASME FED-Vol.121, (1991).
"Particle Impact and Bouncing", "Particle Motion on the Field of Velocity Shear", "Particle Deposition and Separation", (Chapter 27, 29 and 30) in Powder Technology Handbook, Marcel Dekker, (1991)
"Mechanical Conveyer", "Pneumatic Conveyer", "Slurry Transport" and "Capsule Transport", (Section 19-5, 19-6, 19-7, 19-8 in Chapter 19) in Handbook of Chemical Engineering, Maruzen, 1988(in Japanese)
"Gas-Solids Flow" and "Liquid-Solids Flow",(Section 19-4 and 19-5 in Chapter 19) in Handbook of Fluid Mechanics, Maruzen, 1987(in Japanese)
"Turbulence in Gas-Solid Flows", (Chapter 9) in Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 4, Gulf Publishing, 1986
"Capsule Transport", (Chapter 6) in Handbook of Slurry and Capsule Transport, Development Research Institute, 1984(in Japanese)
Pneumatic Conveying, Nikkann Kogyo, 1984(in Japanese)
"Particle Motion in Shear Flow", (Chapter 7 of Part III) in Handbook of Powder Technology, Nikkan Kogyo, 1983(in Japanese)
Fluid Mechanics, (co-author with Y. Morikawa and K. Ayukawa), Asakura, 1981(in Japanese)